Saturday, July 16, 2011

Am I being paranoid or are my worries justified?

I live alone in an appartment that's in a bad neighborhood (strip club and crackhead motel beside it yards away) and about three weeks ago someone tried to break in through the window. My upstairs neighbors scarred him off but ever since then I have been extremly paranoid at night. By paranoid I mean I usually don't get to sleep before 3:00 in the morning and when I do try to sleep I sleep for a few minutes at a time and then im up at every slight noise. That usually goes on until it is daylight outside. Then I go into a deep sleep. The hospital diagnosed me with paranoid schizophrenia, bi-polar disorder, and an anxiety disorder. To tell a little about my past mental state, earlier this year when I was not on meds I was convinced that members of my family where trying to murder me. Then I would have psycotic episodes involving me thinking a monster was entering my dreams and controling my actions. I honestly don't know if this paranoia I am experiencing is reasonable. I am on heavy psych meds right now and night is the only time it happens. I have resorted to desperate mesures to get to sleep and all any of it does is sidate me. That includes pot which does not make me paranoid but lazy and xanax that is not mine. The only thing that can make me sleep is if I take 2 or 3 mg of xanax with my five psych meds. Is this something my doctor needs to know about or is a moove needed. Also other than this I am doing very well with my mental state so that is why I am hesitant about telling him.

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