Thursday, July 14, 2011

Several hours ago I got a humongous splinter on the ball of my foot....?

At first it was a shocking pain, didn't hurt much. Pulled the wood out (little less then half an inch wide and it was about a quarter inch in) and put anti-biotic cream on the wound and put a band-aid over it and I was good. I woke up moments ago to my foot being swollen, it hurts without being touched and "roars" when its even slightly touched. My parents say they got worse wounds and splinters when they were young so they aren't worried and won't bring me to the hospital (I rather not go anyway), they said to take some bayer pain reliever (which I did and it's not helping so far) and wait it out, if not they'll take me to the doctors. Maybe it's just the shock that has me frightened, but my foot is swollen and hurts like a mothersucker! I got through worse wounds then this one but the needley and numb feel is starting to frighten me along with it being swollen and in pain.

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